Baby Bebe’s Progress (week 25)


Baby Bebe

Based on my Ovia Pregnancy App

♠Size: A baseball glove or a cabbage.  14 inches (35.5cm tall)

♠Gender: Unknown.  I am still enjoying the guessing period whether my little bean is a girl or a boy.

♠Weight: 900 grams

♠Looks: Hair is thickening and probably has a color by now.  Nostrils are starting to open and the air sacs in lungs continue to develop, priming him to breathe air in just a couple of months.

♠Activities: Kicking a lot and really hard. Bebe move more often when I am relaxed.


♠Morning sickness: Almost non-existent.  But my rib pain in both of my left and right sides is still active.  It’s just happening less often this week.  Probably because I am now learning how to dance with it.  I do stretching more often even when I am sitting.

♠Exercise: Walking at school and stretching play a huge role in here.  I am also somehow helping my husband to change the wallpaper of our house and that is a good stretch for me too most especially for my rib pain/.

♠Diet: Fruits in the morning (2 bananas and a hot less caffeine coffee), I know I have to eliminate caffeine totally though:(    Lunch (salad and some fruits)    Dinner (I eat a lot of unhealthy food such as too much rice and oily foods and I am so guilty for this).  Dessert after dinner (oranges or  apples).  Probably I am better at my diet this week than last week.  I also encorporated sweet potatoes.

♠Weight: 46.5kg. It is the same as last week.  Probably it is because I somehow ate less rice now and focused a bit more on fruits and sweet potatoes.

♠Blood pressure:  111/67

♠Balance: I couldn’t really check this this week.  But there was one incident when I fell on my behind on the pillow while trying to stand from sitting.

♠Breathing:  Did not have a problem this week.

♠Sleep: Sleeping is easier this time compared to few previous weeks.

♠Acne:  I still have them, mostly around my forehead and my cheek.  When a big one is dried, another one is coming up.  And they leave scars which somehow affect my confidence.  Though seems to dry them faster.

♠Skin darkening:  It started this week around my armpit.  Not that bad yet but the lines are more visible because of the discoloration.  BTW, I have a pretty fair skin color.

♠Itchy skin:  This week is worse than last week.  I feel itchy not only on my stomache but also on my shoulders, forehead and legs.  Though I am still keen at applying oil and lotion.

♠Mood: I am pretty happy or positive and less worried this week.  But yesterday, I suddenly became way stricter to my husband and did not allow him to go where he wanted to go.  Is it hormones or I am now developing the heart of a mother who wants her family to be together all the time most especially at night.

Highlight of this week

♠Happy Moments:    Hubby still applies Bioil and lotion on my belly, back and hips to control/avoid more dryness and stretchmarks.
Weather still gets warmer each day.  Spring is coming, YEY!!!  I had a great final day at the elementary school I am working at and heard other teachers’ appreciation and good luck messages for me.

♠Unpleasant Moments:  Rib pain that still feel very uncomfortable.  Acne.  Dry skin.  Itchy Skin.  Armpit darkening.  Had a little argument with hubby yesterday because I did not allow him to get the table on the auction in Tokyo at around 10pm.  Am I right for not allowing him or I am becoming  strict about time?  It is my favorite table and we could’ve get it for free if I allowed him.


Published by Is it today Little Bird?

To be an author was once my dream in my innocence days. I didn't know what exactly the reason behind why I wanted to write something out of my imagination. Or maybe I knew, but I was just too naive to give any labels on it. But one thing is for sure, writing is something that I'm falling in love with over and over again.

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